Dental Bridges: The Answer to Tooth Loss?

Alternative to dental bridges

Dental Bridges are a potential solution for missing teeth, used by some dentists since the 1800’s thus they can be considered a traditional solution to tooth loss. There are 4 types of dental bridge; Cantilever, Maryland, Traditional and implant-supported dental bridges.

Each of them can be roughly summarised as inserting a false tooth (called a pontic) where you have a tooth missing, typically made from porcelain. Dental bridges are generally considered a solution for a single missing tooth as the more missing teeth the less stable the bridge tends to be.

Are dental bridges hygienic?

Dental bridges require frequent appointments with a hygienist for maintenance to ensure longevity and maintain them. Flossing is usually impossible as some areas of your tooth become unreachable. Dental porcelain can be resistant to staining, though not totally, regular cleaning and in ideal circumstances avoidance of certain foods and drinks such as coffee is important.

Are they Affordable?

If you are receiving treatment via the NHS, Dental Bridges are considered a Band 3 dental treatment which generally cost approx £282.20. This cost only covers the fitting of the dental bridge and doesn’t consider other costs which aren’t considered such as hygienist appointments as mentioned previously.

Are they Reversible?

Like almost all solutions to tooth loss, including traditional Cosmetic Veneers and Dental Implants, Dental Bridges are not reversible. Once you have gone through the process, which can take a matter of weeks from your first appointment, the Pontic is set in place. Compare that with our Clip-In Veneers which can be taken in and out as desired.

Do you think they are Attractive?

Dental Bridges, much like Cosmetic Veneers, are usually made from porcelain and difficult to alter once they have been set into place. Once you have a colour agreed, presuming you have a say in the matter, this colour is typically unchangeable except for staining unless regularly maintained.

Why choose Clip In Veneers?

If you’re thinking of dental bridges then a good alternative would be Clip In Veneers. They are more affordable, pain-free and can be taken in and out of your mouth as suits you. Our Clip In Veneers come in a range of shades and can be ordered online with ease. No more waiting, no visits to the dentist and no more hiding your smile.

At NeedThatSmile we know that our products are capable of changing lives and our loyal customer base is testament to that. Explore our range of products and find something perfect for you. If you are interested in Clip-In Veneers to improve your smile and confidence then look no further than NEED THAT SMILE.